You read it, and it's exactly as it sounds. An epic Kirby cake. Strawberry cake mix, strawberry frosting, pink colored fondant and GO! Adventure begins at 7:30... ish... Bruins game was on... distracted a bit. They won at least, probably in anticipation of this awesome cake - probably not. 

Amazing silicon 9" pan, sprayed down with cooking spray and filled with the most delicious smelling cake mix ever... 
BCD trimmed down the sides after the cake was done baking - going for an eagle's eye view.

Frosted with strawberry frosting and placed in the fridge. Not the prettiest thing in the world... but look at how much room I made in the fridge!! 

These next few pictures are of us shaping the second strawberry cake into Kirby's limbs - I did the hands while BCD worked on the feet. Let's just say.. cutting a cake into the shape we want it to be isn't as easy as we hoped. 

That's my partner in crime, BCD!! NOM NOM NOM!! 

Now we roll out the pink marshmallow fondant using my awesome muscles! It takes a real woman to roll some dough!! errr- fondant. Although, to BCD's credit, he did make the fondant and it came out pretty good :) 

Arms now attached to the cake, looks kinda like a pink Mickey Mouse... 

And fondant rolled on top, pressed in to give him more depth and then trimmed!! 

Rolled out the darker near-red fondant, placed on top of the feet pieces and then connected to the body. Looks so cuuute! 

With the remaining fondant, blush, mouth and blue eye base was created. Melted chocolate frosting was painted on the eyes and little marshmallow pieces used for the white parts... 

Add a little water and VOILA! An epic Kirby cake where everything about him is edible! 

That's me up there and that's BCD down there. 

AND DONE! What time is it?? only midnight?? Sweeeet, I can watch the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson soon... :) 

I'd have gone more in depth and added more spectacular commentary, but like I stated above, it is now past midnight and I'm tired... and it's still a Thursday- well, technically it's Friday, which means I have to work in not that many hours... booooooo. Still so proud of the Kirby cake though :) 

Until the next epic baking adventure! 


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