Bridal Shower Cupcakes & Cookies!

These cupcakes are butter pecan ones... taking these out of the oven was like.. heaven. Such an aroma.. and then tasting them... heaven! 

Aaanyways, the frosting is a simple vanilla and there are gold, pink and pearl sprinkles. The pink covered frosting parts are roses made from the frosting. Next time, they'll be pink so you can tell them apart more easily :) 

The cupcakes are supposed to be in the shape of a bride's dress, can you tell? I hope so. if not, you're not looking hard enough. Squint a bit and then get a better imagination :P 

A platter of cookies accompanied the cupcake dress. Pink Lemonade cookies that is with strawberry or chocolate frosting, topped with sprinkles. Very yummy as well :) 

Okay, I'm sleepy, so I'm just gonna end this. Good night :) 


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