Fabulous 50!

As a favor to a friend, I was tasked with making the cake for her mother's 50th birthday! With zebra stripes and pink polka dots as my design requests, I decided on another 3-tiered cake to feed all the guests and make a great cake for a wonderful woman :) 

This is the bottom tier (all cake is french vanilla cake covered with vanilla frosting), and I cut random shaped fondant strips for the zebra stripes. Sadly, black is pretty much the hardest color to try to even get close to when mixing marshmallow fondant - so if you can tell from the center of the cake, my fondant is actually like a really dark olive green... Luckily, I discovered a way to make edible paint, which is what is painted on the zebra stripes to give that super vivid black color. Strangely enough, when I got some of the paint on the white fondant, it was greenish... but it looks pretty black on my olive green fondant :) 

Top view: The middle isn't painted since the next tier was going to sit on top, way to save paint. 

I did the same thing with the second tier, using up the rest of my paint to cover the entire sides and most of the top. 

Now for some pretty pink fondant polka dots! To make these perfect little circles, I used the biggest frosting tip I had and used the circle side - I'm so clever, ya? :P 

Top view again. 

First two tiers stacked, not too bad looking. Sprinkled some powdered sugar on the bottom tier so the next one won't stick too much when cutting. It's 10:25 AM btw. 

Now let's skip to the entire cake being assembled! For the third tier, I used pink fondant, make some cute little shapes (high heel, purse, wine/champagne bottle and martini glass) and with some sugar pearls, gives it a cute look I think. I don't know why this looks like the cake is leaning.... 

A view from the other side. The two cupcakes on top are for the candles, in case you were wondering. 

The finished product - complete with the candles and fondant lettering surrounding the cake! WEEEEEEEE! 

So Happy 50th Birthday, Penny! I really enjoyed making this cake, learning a new technique and all :) I had leftover cake, so let's see what I'll do with that, shall we? :P 

Until... tomorrow, most likely. Since I just hinted at the leftover cake... and that I was planning on doing something with it.... yeah.


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