Umm.. An Island on Water with Turtles?

As I said in my last post, I created another cake for my sister-in-law for her birthday party. I had started with the idea of "yes, I'm making a cake", but other than that, I had no idea what exactly I was going to do. 

My thought process as a step-by-step process: 
1. Make a cake. 
3. Hmm.. maybe buttercream, I'd have to make that homemade huh... maybe add a design too! 
2. Let's make it a double layered cake - crap, need to buy a small cake pan... 
3. Let's use marshmallow fondant! Do I have marshmallows? 
4. I know, I'll model turtles on it! 
5. *at the store* did I get everything...? Ah, screw it, I'm going home. 

Okay, so at this point, it's around 6 PM. And I start baking. 

This is my preparation area. I also realized that a bunch of the stuff was still not there... so I had to go digging in my pantry for more. After that was all set, time to start baking! 

I used a 9" pan and a 6" pan as my two sizes. Then I used some pre-made vanilla whipped frosting and mixed it to make a chocolate almond frosting :) yum! 

This is what they looked like all nice and frosted. The smaller cake is frosted in a homemade buttercream mixed with food coloring gel to look somewhat like sand for the island. Put them both in the fridge to let the frosting harden a bit. 

Used the rest of my buttercream to mix different colors - I guess a blue, purple and.. umm.. a dark blurple? I dunno what color that is. Almost a black, but not quite as dark. Okay, these next couple of pictures is kind of like a process, but I messed up. I realized that I was supposed to make it backwards to be able to put it on the cake. So just think of it as the mirror image, but at least this way, you can read it. 

If you didn't read what I wrote before those pictures, you will have no idea how this worked... but there you go! Her name is on the cake :) It came out a little bigger than I intended, but whatever... first time, not supposed to be perfect. Time to 

Sometime before the cake mixing and preparation, I had made the fondant (marshmallows and TONS of powdered sugar) and put it in the fridge to harden a bit. So at this point... I would say it was like 9 PM. I am a very slow baker... and I usually have the TV on and I was watching Family Guy... Rolled out the fondant and put it on the bigger cake. 

Look, a turtle!! And made out of pure sugar... Mmmmm :D 

I dunno about you guys, but I thought this above picture was adorable.. I wanted to spin it to make the turtle look like they were swimming :) Time to put it all together! 

It seemed to boring, so I decided to add a flower. That is my attempt at leaves and a blue hibiscus flower. 

What? Extra fondant?! 

I think not! Yes, that ninja turtle (Leonardo) the size of a paper plate is made out of pure fondant... so much sugar... 

Alright, that's the end of this. I'll have you know, if you got anywhere near that cake, you would've smelled pure sugar. I still have some leftover blue fondant and buttercream, slowly being eaten, so unhealthy... 

I think I'll be baking another cake soon and hopefully an epic one with a buddy of mine :) Until then, see ya and thanks for reading! :) 


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