Easter Sunday Cupcakes

For this upcoming Easter Sunday, I've decided I want to do cupcakes instead of cake. For one, cupcakes are always easier (or so I thought) and you don't have to cut them (this part IS true). 

To accomplish this "little" task, I made two grocery trips on different days because let's face it, I would like a crazy person with what I was buying - including 3 jars of pickles because I love pickles. 

Above is my "work station". As you can see, I had no more room on the table for everything so the chair beside me turned into a table. Included in my shopping spree for this cooking fun are airheads, variety pack of Twizzlers, Easter colored M&Ms, Rainbow sour strips (whatever they're called...), 3 different kinds of marshmallows (they have flavored yellow and green marshmallows! I think lemon meringue and lime something... I would have to check but I don't want to leave my bed..), flower sprinkles, pink sprinkles, chick peeps, Starbursts and edible... grass... stuff? Anyways, lots of sugar and candy! 

These cupcakes are Funfetti cake mix, so more sugar inside :) 

They aren't perfect, but these were my first attempts at making Easter cupcakes. Probably would've been much easier if I just made fondant... Now I feel like I should mention that while I was frosting and decorating all of these, I ate half a jar of dill pickles. I think I was absorbing so much sugar through the air that I needed to balance it out with something sour. Just kidding, I just love pickles :) 

And these are the finished products! 25 Easter cupcakes! Would've been 26, but while I had my back turned, Evee hopped up onto my chair and started eating one. Sneaky little bugger! But I still love her :) 

I think they came out pretty cute :) Now to keep them away from Evee until Easter Sunday... and I have a ton of leftover candy.... which isn't necessarily a bad thing.... 

Maybe I should make a cake after all :) I'll save the candy for my little angel's birthday party coming up. Until then! 


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