
Showing posts from 2016

Sopheria's 2nd Birthday!

My baby is already 2 years old!!! T_T Where does the time go??? Anyways, for the theme of this party, I picked Sophie's favorite character at the moment (besides Elsa, I'm so over Frozen right now...) ....MICKEY & MINNIE! Who doesn't love a Disney birthday??  Since her actual birthday was a week before her birthday party, I made her two cakes (she is two years old after all!). I'm experimenting with the mirror glaze frosting (gelatin chocolate mix) and decorated one cake with candy balls and the other with food spray to see how it works with the glaze.  They both came out pretty cute I think :) A very easy, fast and neat way to cover a cake, I must admit.  There's the birthday girl!  Still blowing out those candles hehe Now time for the birthday party!  Sophie had gone apple & pumpkin picking with her daycare, so I decorated her little pumpkin for her :)  And the back!  I didn't really have too much time to

Rainbows for Tracy!

For my cousin's 14th birthday, she requested I make the same cake I made for Evee's birthday - a rainbow cake covered in Skittles. Since her gathering was feeding less guests, I decided on a 6'' cake.  Here is the start of it all.... 6 layers of cake (just purple instead of an indigo and a violet layer), extra cake for cake balls and cupcakes due to excess batter - can't let any of it go to waste!  Start with purple at the bottom until I reach red at the top :) That's one tall cake... hehe The red gripper is so the cake won't slide off.  After they're all stacked, cover in more buttercream! Doesn't have to be perfectly smooth since the Skittles will cover it all anyways. My "favorite" part of this cake - separating out the Skittles.... Still a very satisfying picture, I'll admit.  Time to start the rainbow..... this is so time consuming, but I feel it's worth it in the end.  All done!  Don'

Catching Up

It's been a little while, so here is what I've been up to.  I went to a lovely cake decorating party for my sister-in-law's birthday (which in my opinion is the most brilliant idea my brother has had to date! Might be exaggerating just a bit....). Unfortunately, we decorated the cakes at a place an hour or so away from home for me, so we had to put the cake in a box, leave it in the car for an hour or two to have dinner, and then drive home another hour.... Still made it home in pretty good condition :)  Not sure if lopsided or my camera angle was bad.... I'm hoping the latter :)  My oldest daughter is in Kindergarten now! :) So making her something that she'll eat for lunch is always a bit tricky (she's a very very very very very picky eater....) My thoughts are, if I make the lunches cute, maybe she'll eat it. Here are a few lunches I've made so far :)  A fish-shaped sandwich with two bubbles - cheese and ham for the fins, eye

Lifting Cakes

My hubby's sister's hubby turned 30, so she asked me to make a cake - Yay!! She mentioned his current obsession with Butterfingers, so a chocolate peanut butter cake it is!  I ended up baking six cakes in total - the first batch wasn't thick enough, so I doubled up on the amount of batter the second time around. So many cakes!!!  The theme this time around is weights, so a dumbbell is perfect!  These are my first two cakes, which I ended up crumbling up and making cake balls with them :)  Peanut butter frosting! So easy and delicious :) Just peanut butter, cream cheese, butter, a bit of vanilla extract and some powdered sugar! I made a double batch here and then another one for the cake balls. I decided to not microwave the marshmallows this time around to get a smoother texture with the fondant. Added a bunch of black food coloring. And then the powdered sugar! A little bit at a time so I don't add too much. Once it got s


My daughter is now 5!!! Woooo! For such a big milestone of all of us surviving these past five years, I wanted to make sure she got a pretty big "WOW" from her cake! Her theme this year was My Little Pony, which was a very spur of the moment obsession for her that really came flying out of nowhere.... Thankfully, she had a ton of MLP hand-me-down toys and it's still pretty popular in party & toy stores - had MLP balloons, plates, napkins, banners, and plenty of stuffed ponies (added plenty of blue since that's her favorite color and helps balance out the crazy amount of pink).  Anyways, on to the cake!  So the idea for the cake was make a normal cake but drown it in rainbows. That means the inside has to have rainbows and the outside has to have rainbows!  Because I didn't realize I was going backwards, the bottom layer started as red (rather pink in the picture - strawberry flavored!) and it would go up from there - red, orange, yellow, green, blu