Lifting Cakes

My hubby's sister's hubby turned 30, so she asked me to make a cake - Yay!! She mentioned his current obsession with Butterfingers, so a chocolate peanut butter cake it is! I ended up baking six cakes in total - the first batch wasn't thick enough, so I doubled up on the amount of batter the second time around. So many cakes!!! 

The theme this time around is weights, so a dumbbell is perfect! 

These are my first two cakes, which I ended up crumbling up and making cake balls with them :) 

Peanut butter frosting! So easy and delicious :) Just peanut butter, cream cheese, butter, a bit of vanilla extract and some powdered sugar! I made a double batch here and then another one for the cake balls.

I decided to not microwave the marshmallows this time around to get a smoother texture with the fondant.

Added a bunch of black food coloring.

And then the powdered sugar! A little bit at a time so I don't add too much.

Once it got solid enough, I start working the fondant by hand and because it was black with lots of powdered sugar, it looks like I was working with clay! 

These are the two cakes - two layers with peanut butter in the middle and all around. The smaller cake is dark chocolate, while the larger cake is milk chocolate. 
I frosted them like normal, put them in the fridge to let the frosting harden for a bit before I cut them in half and stood them up. 

They look like giant oreos!!! Didn't care to make the frosting perfect or anything, going to be covered in fondant anyways! 

With the leftover black fondant I had, made little letters and numbers to label the weights. 

All nice and lined up :) The fondant isn't perfectly smooth or anything, but that's the nature of marshmallow fondant. It turns sticky extremely fast and not as stiff as traditional fondant, but a whole lot tastier :)
Since these cakes do get pretty heavy as you keep adding, I had to carry them on a tray... 

Got the "30 lbs" and "15 lbs" labels on! 

For the metal bar, I used a few butterfingers and covered them in some extra black fondant I had. I sprayed them with my edible silver mist to give them a metallic look. 

I also sprayed the weights with an edible black mist to give them a touch of shimmer. 

My little helpers... not really helping...

Just making a mess and eating pure sugar with more sugar... oh boy. 

More fondant letters and numbers on top of butterfinger cups and two chocolate peanut butter cake balls covered in dark blue chocolate. 

And tada! The weight cake is done! :D And really heavy.... 

At the restaurant with a bowl of cake balls :)

This cake was definitely a lot of fun to make :) Took me about a day and a half, although mostly due to procrastinating on my part... But it was definitely a hit and delicious to boot :) 

Happy Birthday to Bobby! Hope you enjoyed your weights! 

Until next time! 


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