My daughter is now 5!!! Woooo! For such a big milestone of all of us surviving these past five years, I wanted to make sure she got a pretty big "WOW" from her cake! Her theme this year was My Little Pony, which was a very spur of the moment obsession for her that really came flying out of nowhere.... Thankfully, she had a ton of MLP hand-me-down toys and it's still pretty popular in party & toy stores - had MLP balloons, plates, napkins, banners, and plenty of stuffed ponies (added plenty of blue since that's her favorite color and helps balance out the crazy amount of pink). 

Anyways, on to the cake! 

So the idea for the cake was make a normal cake but drown it in rainbows. That means the inside has to have rainbows and the outside has to have rainbows! 

Because I didn't realize I was going backwards, the bottom layer started as red (rather pink in the picture - strawberry flavored!) and it would go up from there - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple (because indigo and violet are too hard to differentiate for me at midnight...)

Since this is an MLP cake, I wanted to use more vibrant colors. 

All the cake mixes! So pretty, huh? The yellow and the orange are both yellow cakes and the blue, green and purple are made from white vanilla cakes.

I made sure to leave some excess batter of each color and make rainbow colored cupcakes! 

First layer is the strawberry red cake - the smaller cake is on my awesome spinning cake thingy that I got from my sister-in-law (Love you!). For this cake especially, it was super useful and made things so much easier! The bigger cake was too large for it sadly... :(

The small cake is frosted, while the larger one already had two layers - I was slower with my smaller cake for some reason hehe 

Up to 4 layers!

Here are the cupcakes with the excess batter all baked. I made sure to make a bigger batch of blue since that is the birthday girls favorite color. I think it makes them look more like Rainbow Dash cupcakes (her favorite pony!).

All the layers of the smaller cake are now stacked!

Since I ran out of frosting and it was midnight, I started working on the cakes the following morning, which turned out beneficial since it let the frosting harden a bit in the fridge, making it easier for me to finish the frosting. 

There's something so serene about skittles separately out so nicely by color.... :)

The first row of skittles is the most important since it will be the base of how the rest of the pattern will look. So I tried reeeaally hard to get the first one right. 

Now for the green....

BAM! SKITTLES! I tried to make sure all the skittles weren't showing the 'S' - not sure if more for aesthetic or me just being weird...

Spiiiiiiiiin.... another amazing reason to get on these spinning things :D

Piped out some frosting on the bottom to make it look pretty. 

Now the top and sprayed some blue edible mist. 

Marshmallows to look like clouds, Rainbow Dash, and the number 5!

The cupcakes! Two big dollops of frosting and rainbow candy! 

Ain't it adorable? :)

Now the larger cake's turn, all the layers are stacked and frosted!

Frosting complete! This cake ended up weighing a lot more than I expected.... 

I didn't want the same design, so a nice angle this time around.

All done! So many skittles.... 

Made the frosting blue this time.

Sorry it's a bit blurry, didn't realize it 'til now... Added two pony figures and the candles. 

The complete set! The smaller cake and the cupcakes were going to her birthday party with her classmates, while the larger one was staying at the house.

The dessert table! :)

People already picked at the fruit.... hehe

Behold the rainbow inside!!

Happy Birthday to an amazing little 5 year old who continues to astound and entertain me!

Thank you for reading! 
Until next time!


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