The Start of a Baking Adventure on the Internets

To start with, this is my first blog post. For myself, that is. This blog is gonna pretty much be about my cooking adventures - both successes and mishaps. I'm not a professional baker by any means and I'm not a photography student. I'm an artist of sorts, and figured that baking is a canvas, so let's get painting! 

Today was my sister-in-law's birthday (Happy Birthday, Sam!) and since I've never had a sister before, last night a little before 7 PM, I decided to bake her something nice to surprise her. Of course, that meant a trip to Target and walking through the baking goods aisle... now, you may not know me, but I should not be allowed to walk through this aisle. I ended up buying the necessary ingredients - cupcake cups, icing, vanilla frosting, some cake mix, eyeball candy - and then the not so necessary ingredients - cake pop sticks, pastel food coloring, other colored food coloring, extra icing, and extra frosting. I seem to have this problem whenever I go food shopping for a few things and end up with a cart full (for example, the time when I wanted to buy a single bag of marshmallows and ended up with 6 lbs of powdered sugar...) 

Anyways, before I forget, I planned on baking a bunch of cupcakes and making a turtle. So after a bunch of mixing, baking, and tons of frosting and icing used later, I came up with this! 

She loves turtles, so a turtle it was! And since she works at a daycare/preschool, what could possibly make the kids happier?? I mean, maybe if it was Spongebob or something... but then I probably wouldn't kept it for myself with my love for Spongebob, but that's another story. 

Here's another angle. Oh yeah, epic. I even wrote her name on the shell and gave the turtle toenails :) The cupcakes are just a simple Betty Crocker milk chocolate and all the frosting is vanilla - just colored so wonderfully by me! 

Her birthday party is this Saturday and I have some plans. But let's see if they actually come to life :) 

Oh, since this is my first blog post, I'd like to post the past pictures of my other creations: 

So that's my patriots cake! It was made with a confetti cake mix and marshmallow fondant. Since I didn't want to use too much food coloring, the colors are a lot lighter. The hardest part about this one was after I had cut the logo out, I had to get it onto the cake. I wish I had taken a picture of it on my cutting board, so much cooler looking... 

My first attempt at making homemade chocolates. After buying these super cute molds off of eBay, I went for it! On the plus side, the chocolates were very yummy. On the downside, they melted... fast. So they turned out to be more like frozen fudge bars. But hey, I don't see anything wrong with that. 

Alright, that's all for now! Until we eat again... see what I did there? This is about baking.. eat.. yeah? okay, I'll stop now. 


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Happy Birthday, Sam! :)