Lifting Cakes

My hubby's sister's hubby turned 30, so she asked me to make a cake - Yay!! She mentioned his current obsession with Butterfingers, so a chocolate peanut butter cake it is! I ended up baking six cakes in total - the first batch wasn't thick enough, so I doubled up on the amount of batter the second time around. So many cakes!!! The theme this time around is weights, so a dumbbell is perfect! These are my first two cakes, which I ended up crumbling up and making cake balls with them :) Peanut butter frosting! So easy and delicious :) Just peanut butter, cream cheese, butter, a bit of vanilla extract and some powdered sugar! I made a double batch here and then another one for the cake balls. I decided to not microwave the marshmallows this time around to get a smoother texture with the fondant. Added a bunch of black food coloring. And then the powdered sugar! A little bit at a time so I don't add too much. Once it go...