Happy Birthday, Sam! :)

I had a lot of fun making this cake, especially since I had a little assistant - although I'm not sure how much she actually helped me... Anywho, to start off, we mixed up a simple sugar cookie dough - and by we, I mean my daughter attempted to mix it for about a minute, gave up and proceeded to have me mix the rest. Once it was nice and mixed, we filled the bottom of a 9'' springform pan. We used about half the dough to fill the entire pan. She looks like she's doing a great job - She's gonna become a pro like me! :) Once it was nice and golden brown along the edges, I let it cool. I poked it a few times making sure it wasn't too soft. This is my first giant cookie! Once cooled, we removed the sides and there you have a nice flat cookie. Now, I will say it didn't come off as cleanly as I hoped. Next time, I think I'm going to put a cookie sheet underneath. Cooking spray just didn't cut it. Now what do we do with ...