Short & Sweet: Halloween Cake

Being the busy mom I am, I don't always have time to make the pretty colored fondants and spare hours to make an awe-inspiring cake. Today was exceptionally busy between running errands, cooking and making sure my daughter is fed, bathed and loved :) So here my simple cake for Halloween tomorrow. I started off with a butter pecan cake because that says "Autumn" to me and it makes the kitchen smell soooo delicious when baking it. If you stare hard enough, you can see the design I drew on the cake. Did you guess the shape? Yes, a pumpkin. Simple and keeps most of the edges in tact for easy frosting :) Nothing special here, just colored frosting to make it more obvious that it's a pumpkin. BUT the special part is the flavor of the frosting: Caramel Apple! Or was it Apple Caramel...? Using black frosting, I made it into a jack-o-lantern and added spiders. Now it looks more Halloween-ish :D Just the finishing touch now... Candy e...