The Big 30!

We celebrated my big brother's 30th birthday yesterday and, as the most amazing little sister ever, I wanted to bake something for him! And knowing that he isn't too big a fan of desserts, beside a select few, and he's a big fan of turtles, I decided on tiramisu turtles. The plan had started out was to make a tiramisu cake into a turtle and put little turtles all over it. Then I thought that it would be cool to make 30 turtles, one for each year that Dave (my brother) has been alive! Then it would be even cooler if I numbered all the turtles so you knew there are 30 of them! So let the adventure begin! The above photo is my 24 mini cupcake pan filled with baked yellow cake. I took a toothpick and stabby stabbed them. Then poured on a medium roasted coffee mixed a bit with cinnabon creamer for a bit of sweetness. Here are the larger cupcakes done the same way, and I forgot to take a picture of the rest, but I made some more normal size cupc...